Protecting your privacy is of paramount importance to NOM DE L’ENTREPRISE.. This policy is established to explain to users of the LinkedIn website the following terms:

What private information is collected;
How the private information is collected and processed;
The use of the data collected;
The distribution of collected information;

This Privacy policy completes the terms and conditions that can be consulted at the following address: LinkedIn Privacy Policy.

Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector RLRQ, c P-39.1
Privacy Act L.R.C. (1985),
ch P-21
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

Collection of private information
The following private information is collected:

Last name;
First name;
E-mail address;
Phone number;
Relevant experience and skills;

The information submitted is collected through a hiring form or a contact form.

Artop will use the information collected for contact and recruitment purposes.

By completing and submitting the employment form or contact form through the LinkedIn website, users agree to:

All terms and conditions included in this Privacy Policy;
The collection, use and safekeeping of the data described in this Privacy Policy;

Transmission of private information
The private information collected through the application form, or the contact form will not be transmitted to third parties. It will only be processed by Artop.

Artop reserves the right to disclose to its employees the collected data to the extent that it is necessary for them to pursue the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Treatment of private information
Artop is committed to protecting the information collected and to respecting the purposes for which the information is collected.

The private information is kept in a secure environment. Artop employees are required to preserve the confidentiality of the information collected. However, since no technological mechanism offers absolute security, users accept the risks inherent to the use of the Internet in the transmission of their personal information.

Retention period of private information
Artop is committed to preserving in its secure computer systems all submitted information for the length of time needed to achieve the purposes for which it is collected.

Rights of opposition and withdrawal
Users have the right to oppose the processing of their personal information for the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy. They also have the right to request that their private information be removed from the list of potential candidates and from Artop secure computer system.

Rights of access, rectification, and removal
Users can view, update, delete and modify their private information stored by Artop in its secured computer systems.